Refund Policy

Since our digital content is available for instant download right after purchase, there’s no “trial” or “grace period” for subscriptions or products. This means all sales are final. Once you download an item, it’s yours to keep, and you can’t “return” it. Therefore, we can’t offer refunds unless we change our terms in a way that negatively impacts you. If that happens, we’ll refund the unused months pro rata.

Please note that we cannot entertain refund requests if a product has already been downloaded.

Refund Requests

We will assess refund requests on their merits, but generally, there is no obligation to provide a refund if:

  • you have changed your mind;
  • you subscribed by mistake;
  • you ask for goodwill;
  • you lack the technical ability to make the item work;
  • you can no longer download the item because it has been removed from our website;
  • you are in breach of our fair play policy.

Also, go through our Terms & Conditions and FAQ for more details.